>To the best of our knowledge, Shockwave/Director environment does not
>natively support Unicode.

That's correct.

>We want our product to support different languages such as
>Hebrew,Franch,German etc.
>What are the ways to do it?

French, German, and other Western European languages aren't a problem. They 
are all supported by English Director 8, or you could use the German or 
French versions of Director.

For multibyte Asian languages, Japanese Director is the solution. If you 
want Chinese, build your movie on a Chinese system using Japanese Director. 
Same with Korean.

Other languages are more problematic. There is no code page support in the 
European-language versions for anything other than code page 1252 (Latin 
1). Other scripts live in different code pages--for example, Cyrillic lives 
in code page 1251.

You can hack a font--use the appropriate ISO 8859 encoding, but put it on 
code page 1252. That could be a problem if you have, say, Arial with 
Cyrillic characters on code page 1252--it would conflict with the system's 

As for Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, or other bidirectional languages, I wouldn't 
hold my breath. You might do some limited movies with a simulated font, but 
all the text parsing and display is pretty much left-to-right.

I wish Director did have more support for other languages. Macromedia seems 
content with Western Europe and East Asia for the time being, though.

Kerry Thompson
Sr. Interface Engineer
Learning Network

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