roymeo wrote:

>--Strange behavior noticed--
>When I have no mouse---- handlers in the "attached to a sprite 
>script" which has an ancestor script, I don't get any messages to 
>the mouse---- handlers in the ancestor script.  I even made a 
>separate movie to test, and if the attached script has a 
>mouseUp/Down, then the ancestor gets mouseUp, mouseDown, and 
>mouseUpOutside messages.  Adding just mouseEnter then also gives me 
>mouseEnter/mouseLeave messages.  So in order for my toggle button 
>script used as an ascestor to get these mouse messages, I need at 
>least a mouseDown and a mouseEnter in it which just call the same 
>thing in the ancestor.

Below something I wrote on dirgames-l.

Andrew White did some research and noticed that sprite 1 differs from 
all other sprites, and will receive the mouse-events even if 
mouse-handlers are only located in ancestors.

>Imagine that Director has some kind of cached information as to 
>which sprites need to be monitored for mouse-events. If there is a 
>behavior with one of the specific mouse-events-handlers attached to 
>the sprite, then the _sprite_ will be included in the "to be 
>monitored" list. Unfortunately this survey of objects does not reach 
>into the ancestor-chain, so a mouse-event-handler must be explicitly 
>present in at least one object attached to the sprite, for the 
>sprite to receive mouse-events.
>This leads to the odd effect, that if you have a mouseUp handler in 
>the ancestor, then it will work if there is a mouseDown handler in 
>the subObject, attached as behavior, but will be ignored, if the 
>subObject contains no mouse-events-handlers.
>Also, the mouseUp handler in the ancestor can be activated, by 
>attaching  to the sprite, yet another object, which qualifies for 
>the survey.
>So if there is any object on a sprite, that triggers the mouse-event 
>mechanism, then the _sprite_ will receive the events, and as a 
>result, any object in the scriptInstanceList, will receive the 
>events, and consequently the events will be trapped by the proper 
>handlers, no matter how deeply nested in ancestors they may be.


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