At 8:00 AM -0400 10/24/00, From: #LCARS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: SV: <lingo-l> Printing from Director 8 using Flash Printing SDK
>> Please stop posting the same message several times a day.
>Thanks alot for your hint guran. It must have been my instincts, seducing me
>to press "forward" several times since no answer was posted at all.
>But you're right. Why should I waste time posting questions if nobody knows
>an answer but only posts hints on how to behave on lingo-l?
>Your answer led me to realize, what I wasn't aware of a long time.

If you didn't get an answer, please wait at least a day before reposting.
If someone sees the same post 5 times in 2 days, you are more likely to be
ignored than helped.

When reposting, please try to add something to the question, or provide
more information or something. If nothing else, you may have to resign
yourself to the fact that no one on the list knows or is willing to help.
You may have to take the question to, say, Macromedia or a Flash list.

But simply reposting the same thing repeatedly that didn't get a response
the first time isn't in anyone's interest.

If anything, it makes us think that your email is broken, not that you are
more sincere or that your question more urgent.


Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartending Sim:
Director and Lingo in a Nutshell (DiaN/LiaN) kick butt.
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