>I'm not sure how exactly it's updating. Is it doing it because it's entering
>the next frame? If so, can I somehow pause on the movie's frame until I'm
>done rendering the screen?

Probably, yes, it's updating when it enters the next frame--I can't be sure 
without seeing your code, but that's probably the case.

If you're using Director 8, this sounds like a job for the new imaging 
Lingo. You can composite images offstage and essentially blit them to the 
screen--it can be a lot, lot faster and smoother than the traditional methods.

I'm just getting into the new imaging Lingo myself, so I'm not the best 
resource for you at the moment. I've seen it in action, though, and it's 
pretty impressive. You should check out Gary Rosenzweig's Director 8 
book--he covers the new features really well.

Sorry I can't be more specific, but hopefully that will point you in the 
right direction.

Kerry Thompson
Sr. Interface Engineer
Learning Network

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