Using printomatic:

I'm on Mac Powerbook 500, MacOs 9.0.4, Director 8, PoM 1.6.2 
(unregistered until I get it to work). OS printer driver version: 
Laserwriter 8, S1-8.7

I use appendFile to put a background image into the frame.
I then use several constructs of drawText to add text on top of the 
image (and I do all the setText commands provided, to ensure the 
integrity of the text styling.)

*When using printPreview(doc) everything looks like expected.*

When actually printing, however, all fonts are substituted with 
Helvetica. It does not matter if the fonts are imported font members 
in Director or installed in the OS, using Adobe ATM.

I use

if doPageSetup(doc) then
end if

In the resulting 'Page setup' dialog I set everything to 'Download 
typefaces', 'Don't replace typefaces' and so on... Setting 'mirror 
image' and 'page size' in this dialog works correctly.

I have tried 3 different printers from HP and Apple rendering the 
same result. In case of the Apple printer I found one more 'download 
fonts if needed' setting, which I checked.

I have printed the fonts successfylly from other applications, 
including MS Word.

Any ideas?


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