RayNerts wrote

> I'm having trouble understanding exactly how the clickOn function works.
> I noticed that the clickOn won't work on regular sprites without a behavior
> attached to them (as the help documentation points out), but it WILL work on
> animated gifs without an attached behavior.  Is there some reason for this?
> And is there a better way to detect what sprite a user clicks on without
> giving it a behavior?  (The help suggests assigning "a placeholder script to
> it ('- -,' for example)," but I don't get that.)

I rarely use the clickOn function - mainly because in most cases its better
to use a behaviour to handle the mouseDown and mouseUp events directed at
the sprite the behaviour is attached to (and since the sprite needs to have
a script attached to it anyway to get the clickon). On the rare occasions
when a behaviour was not appropriate, I've done something like

on getClickOn -- good for copy-ink sprites
  p = the mouseLoc
  repeat with j = the lastChannel down to 1
    if inside(p, sprite(j).rect then return j
  end repeat
  return 0

or if you have irregular shaped sprites with matt ink, using a basic
behaviour like this to evoke a moviescript of frame script or object method.

property spriteNum
on mouseUp me
  sendAllSprites(#clickedOn, spriteNum) -- send message to sprites
   -- or send the message to a movieScript with ClickedOn(spriteNum)
   -- or message an object with gObject.mHandleClickOn(spriteNum)

or if you are interested in the member that was clicked, use the mouseMember

or if you are developing a grid game and want to know which grid was
clicked, then using some dodgy maths, a bit like this -

on getCLickedRect pMouseLoc
  column = pMouseLoc[1] / gColumnWidth
  row =    pMouseLoc[2] / gRowHeight
  clickedSprite = worked out based on position in grid
  return clickedSprite

Hope this helps,




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