No need to create an instance out of DirectOS Xtra.
Simply call the DirectOS functions from anywhere in your lingo code.

Try the following code:

on test
  if the machinetype=256 then
  end if

Fell free to contact me off the list for any further information 
regarding DirectOS Xtra.

jean-louis valero wrote:
> hello list
> I try desperately to obtain a fileopen dialog in a  fix folder. 
> Impossible with fileio which asks the user to choice. I'd want the
> user to go everytime in the folder of my choice and then let him
> pick a file of
> his(her)choice...
> I tried this:
> on test
>   set montest to new(xtra"fileio")
>   set grrr to new(xtra "DirectOS")
>   dosSetCurrentFolder( "9 gigas:Documents:myfolder:")
>   displayOpen (montest)
>    montest = 0
>    grrr=0
> end
> the dialog does not obey  ; - (
> What can I do? I need that for mac and windows.

Boaz Berda
 DirectXtras - Xtra Power for Director and Authorware -
Sites with something to say -

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