Hi gunjang

you can pass the varibles from flash to shockwave using javascript functions
as a mediator.

You can call a javascript function in html page from flash with the variable
you want to pass using fscommand like this

// flash script
on(release) {
 myVariable = "Flash"
 fscommand("passvariable", myVariable)
Note: if you are publishing flash using FSCommand template in the HTML
Publish Settings, this code is inserted automatically

javascript function which inturn calles another function
passittoshocwave(args) to execute a EvalScript function inside director
// Javascript inside html
function flashObjectName_DoFSCommand(command, args) {
      if (command == "passvariable") {
         passingvar = args;

function passittoshocwave(passingvar){

-- shockwave movie script
on EvalScript aParam
  passedVariable = aParam

Hope this helps

Ramesh CT

-----Original Message-----
From: gunjang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 2:48 PM
Subject: <lingo-l> case?

|can we pass variables between flash and shockwave ... how to do it..?
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