or you can pass frame number from flash itself like this

frameNumber = 10
getURL("lingo:goFrame " add frameNumber )

and in director movie script
on goFrame number
    go number

Ramesh CT

-----Original Message-----
From: Colin Holgate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: <lingo-l> Flash animation in director 7 ?

|>i.e i have an animation flash with 4 bouton import in director and i
|>want to move the director head to a specific marker in the director
|>movie ?
|The usual solution is to use GetURL from the Flash movie. For 
|historical reasons (it would crash Director 7), I would put the place 
|you want to jump to into a variable, rather than jump there right 
|away, because if you go from a frame where the flash sprite exists to 
|one where it doesn't, D7 would crash.
|Anyway, in your Flash movie, use a GetURL that has a parameter which 
|is the name of the marker in Director. Flash would send this:
|GetURL "the marker you want to go to"
|In Director you have a movie script like this:
|global somemarker
|on enterframe
|   if somemarker <> "" then
|      go somemarker
|      set somemarker = ""
|   end if
|on geturl where
|    set somemarker = where
|Then when the user clicks on the button in Flash, Director traps the 
|URL and puts it into the somemarker variable. The next enterframe (or 
|exitframe if you prefer) would see the change, jump to the marker, 
|and reset the variable.
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