-- calculate time remaining
on exitFrame me
  -- 100 is total frames
  put timeRemaining(the frame, 100)

// movie script
on timeRemaining currentFrame, totalFrames
  framesPerSecond = 60/10.0
  -- 60/10.0 is 10 frames per second
  totalTime = framesPerSecond * totalFrames
  elapsedTime = framesPerSecond * currentFrame

  -- float value of remainingTime
  -- remainingTime = (totalTime - elapsedTime)/60

  -- integer value of remaining time
  remainingTime = integer((totalTime - elapsedTime)/60)
  return remainingTime

Ramesh CT

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 1:31 PM
Subject: <lingo-l> Please help - time computation based on frame

|Hello. I need some math help.
|I need to compute remaining time based on
|a total frame count compared to the current frame.
|It's a 10fps movie.  
|Here's the elapsed time script.
|on computeTime
|  tmp = integer(the frame/10)
|  tsec = integer(tmp-(60*(integer(tmp/60))))
|  min = integer(tmp/60) 
|  if (tsec < 10) then
|    sec = "0" & tsec
|  else
|    sec = tsec
|  end if
|So, how do I take this script and make it
|so that it shows remaining time, using a
|variable for totalFrames?  I'm quite tired
|and can't figure it out.
|Thanks in advance,
|Steven Sacks
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