At 04:11 PM 11/8/00 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi list,
>I recently upgraded to D8, and started using the timeOut objects. But they
>seem to be very unpredictable<snip>
>Are there any known bugs, problems etc? Or do I just misunderstand the way
>they work?

No bugs that I know of, but it's a pretty new feature, and judging by the 
traffic on the list, only the adventurous are using them.

It's hard to tell from your post what the problem might be. A couple of 

1. Make sure you are not instantiating the object multiple times--e.g., in 
an exitFrame handler. I've followed your posts, though, and it seems 
unlikely you would make this error.

2. When you are finished with the timeout, forget it. For example if you 
leave the sprite span, if it's a timeout you want to run n times and stop.

3. Check the timeOutList in the debugger and see what's in it--that might 
give you a clue.

I've used timeouts quite a bit now, and not run into the problem you 
described, so I *think* they're pretty stable. They take a lot of CPU time, 
though, and a long timeout running can bog down your system. Other than 
that, they're way cool.

Kerry Thompson
Learning Network

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