At 10:06 AM 11/17/00 -0800, you wrote:
> > And by the way, you'll get better video performance if you do
> >
> > puppetTempo 1
>That's a cool tip Kerry. Do you find that this works for all digital video
>formats that can be imported into Director?

Yes, it does. Before I go any farther, though, Terry Schussler deserves the 
credit for pointing this out to me.

Anything that's not frame-based works better at a low frame rate: Flash, 
video, audio, and probably some others.

The reason is pretty straightforward. If you're at 30fps, Director is 
issuing prepareFrame, enterFrame, and exitFrame messages 30 times per 
second. By the time they've been passed up the food chain looking for a 
home, you've wasted a significant number of CPU cycles. It's better to free 
that CPU time to play the video.

Kerry Thompson
Learning Network

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