> be detected unless you specify it in an On MouseUpOutside handler.
That's very true - the simplest thing would be:

on mouseUpOutside me
   mouseUp me

> I'm wondering how to slow down the scroll speed. I have it set to
> ScrollByLine using +/- 1, but using the variable/ prepareframe method
> (which, I agree, is the best) it scrolls like a mad thing. I
> set it to 0.5
> and saw no difference, 0.25 and nothing happened. Since I've
> not used this
> before I wondered if anyone out there had dealt with this in some way.

Well, the easiest thing would probably be to slow the frame rate, unless you
have animations that need a faster rate.
In D7 you could build in a time delay, using the ticks, so that:

property pbPressed, ptTime

on mouseDown me
  pbPressed = True
  ptTime = the ticks

on prepareFrame me
  if pbPressed and (the ticks >= ptTime + 30) then
       member("scrolling text member"). scrollByLine(1)
        ptTime = the ticks
  end if


If you have D8, you could try to use the timeOut objects, so that instead of
it happening on prepareFrame, it happens on a timeOut handler.
This is just out-of-the-hat email lingo, but you could try:

property ptTime, pmText, pnScroll --the properties are set in the gpdl

on mouseDown me
   timeOut ("scrollbar").new (ptTime, #scrollText, me)

on mouseUp me
   timeOut ("scrollbar").forget()

on mouseUpOutside me
   mouseUp me

on scrollText me
  member("pmText"). scrollByLine(pnScroll)

--set the propeties here:
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
 gpdl = [:]

 gpdl[#ptTime] = [#comment: "scroll delay in milliseconds", #format:
#integer, #default: 500]

 gpdl[#pmText] = [#comment: "text cast member", #format: #member, #default:

 gpdl[#pnScroll] = [#comment: "scroll amount", #format: #integer, #default:

 return gpdl

"Look, mama, no flags!" ;-)


Karina Steffens,
Multimedia Designer/Programmer

Martello Media Ltd.
4 Islington Avenue
Co. Dublin

Tel: +353 1 2844668
Fax: +353 1 2803195

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