Hi Mahmood,

> What is the actual difference between Property Lists and Linear Lists.

A linear list stores a bunch of "things", such as integers, strings,
symbols, other lists - whatever you want really.

For example:
myList = ["Picard", 50, ["Kirk", "Spock"]]

When you need to access one of the objects, you access it by it's position
in the list.

put myList[1]
-- "Picard"

put myList[3]
--["Kirk", "Spock"]

When the item stored in the list is another list, you can access it by first
accessing the number of the item in the list (which is a list) and then then
the number of the item in the list that you've just acccessed:

x = myList[3]     --(that will be the list ["Kirk, "Spock"])
y = myList[2]        --(that will be "Spock")
put y

Or much more easily:
put myList[3][2]

That's all very well, but when you write lst[2] and get the result of 50,
what does it really tell you? You have to know what the second position in a
list means.
But say you had a list like this:

property list:
IdList = [#name: "Picard", #age: 50, #kids: ["Kirk", "Spock"]

Each entry in the list is a "property", which is basically a variable that
holds a value, so that the value of #name is "Picard" etc.

put IdList[#name]

You'd access it like this:
put IdList[#age]

put IdList[#name]

put IdList[#kids]
--["Kirk", "Spock"]

put IdList[#kids][1]

You're list suddenly becomes a mini database, where you can store and access
records that actually mean something.
And you can turn it into a real database by making a "super list", such as

Database = [[#name: "Picard", #age: 50, #kids: ["Kirk", "Spock"], [#name:
"Data", #age: 30, #kids: ["Spot"]]

If you analise this list you'll see it's a bunch of different lists:
first you have a linear list "Database", that holds two entries, each of
these is a property lists.

put Database[1]
--[#name: "Picard", #age: 50, #kids: ["Kirk", "Spock"]

put Database[2]
--[#name: "Data", #age: 30, #kids: ["Spot"]

Zooming in on one of these, you have a property list, with 3 properties
(variables) that hold values.
The first two are simple: the value of #name is "Picard"
The third one is another list, this time linear: ["Kirk", "Spock"]

So how do you access the entry "Kirk" in this super-list?

put Database[1][#kids][1]

put Database[2][#kids][[1]

This makes lists, and especially property lists into a very powerful tools
for programming.

I just hope I didn't confuse you even more with all this :)

Karina Steffens,
Lead Programmer

Martello Media Ltd.
4 Islington Avenue
Co. Dublin

Tel: +353 1 2844668
Fax: +353 1 2803195

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