dear lingoists:

i'm a student and need your expertise. i'm creating an application that
receives a text file and plays an animation based on the time it takes to
receive that file. i've been able to successfully accomplish this in lingo
but i need the animation to play back at a speed inverse to the time it
takes to receive that file. As it exists, for example, if it took 120 ms to
receive the file, the animation would play quickly and in the same respect,
if it took 3 ms to receive that file, the animation would play slowly. I
intend to make the animation play at it's fastest rate if the number
received were 1.


the number of milliseconds it takes to receive the file is 160. this would
be considered "slow"
the number of milliseconds it takes to receive the file is 70. this would be
considered "moderate"
the number of milliseconds it takes to receive the file is 26. this would be
considered "fast".

in simple math, to be coded in lingo, how would i write a simple formula?

my lingo frame script, as it exists,  for the inversion question:

on exitFrame me
  if netDone() = 0 then
    go to the frame
    put "Not yet."
  else if netDone() = 1 then
    put the timer into field "timer_field"
    puppettempo the timer * 2 -- this seems to be the line in question??
    put netError()
    put string(netTextResult()) into member "text_display"
    go to the frame + 1
   end if
many many thanks if you could lend some of your expertise.

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