
I have a question which I hope someone here can give me some much needed 
direction on.

I know that if you 'lock' your projector/ movie you can have multiple
users use the same movie. But is there a way to trace those multiple users 
for other purposes?

Ex: when you open the main movie, you have to enter a user name. That
name is then placed into a global variable. Then the movie uses the variable 
to customize the movie to the individual user
i.e."Greetings, 'user's name' How are you today?"

So, I need to reference multiple users, in multiple movies, sometimes in the 
same movie. Then at various points throughout the presentation I need to be 
able to identify the individual user for customization of the presentation.
Is this possible?
If so, how?

Any and all suggestions or reading material on this matter would be
greatly appreciated.

I thank you beforehand.
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