Hello Lingo-Ls,
I have a help MIAW which I want it to forget when closed with "close box".
(that cross one on the corner) Does anyone know how to do that? I have a
button to close and forget within a help window and that works fine. But
closing with "close box" the movie is still running somewhere behind the
main stage.
I have this movie script.
on openHelp
  global help
  set help to window "Help Window"
  set help.rect to rect(100,100,420,340)
  set help.filename to "help.dir"
  set help.titleVisible to TRUE
  help.visible = TRUE

on closeWindow
  global help

Or alternatively does anyone know how to create a MIAW without the "close
box" but can still interact with it. I tried "set the windowType.help to 2"
to get a plain window but no interaction. Any suggestion greatly
appreciated. Thanks in advance. Yo

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