In case you are trying to dial a PPP connection try our
DirectConnection Xtra.

In case you want to call a regular phone number (with no computer at
the other end) you can use our DirectComm Xtra in order to dial a 
number by using the user's modem

Both are cross platform.

The trial versions of those Xtras are available on our web site at:

The trial versions includes documentation and a sample Director movie
that utilizes the Xtras.

Feel free to contact me, off the list, for further information regarding
DirectConnection Xtra and DirectComm Xtra.

Tridib Ghosh wrote:
> Can I call/Dial a phone Number from within a director Projector???

Boaz Berda
 DirectXtras - Xtra Power for Director and Authorware -
Sites with something to say -

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