At 7:05 PM -0800 2/5/2001, Merlin wrote:
>Would director be the right tool for creating an mp3 Player?
>Features :
>1. Playlist (saveable)
>2. Search drives for .mp3 extensions
>3. Mixing, crossfading different mp3's
>4. swopping casts for as to changing skins
>5. Web or database searches (sql)
>I would just like re-asurance to wether all of this is known possible before
>setting out to work?

Yes, Director is the right tool (you will want to also use FileXtra 
with this - that is free). Check out "ShockBox" (don't know URL 
offhand - do a search on it) They have done this already (I think 
they sell the source too).


     Roy Pardi
Contract Multimedia Developer   +  Lingo Programmer
                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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