At 19:51 2/20/2001, Mark R. Jonkman wrote:
>You can download the pdf version of the lingo dictionary and the using
>director books from MACR site under support director and downloads.  By the
>way, the person could be using the demo version of director or perhaps
>doesn't have access to the manuals for some reason.

I suspect he's a student at one of those schools that seem to restrict 
access to the manufacturer's documents - or part of their educational deal 
was cheaper if they didn't get enough docs. The hint is in his email address.

tyjn, if I'm correct, you may want to bring those pdfs to school or, at 
least, tell the instructor where to d/l them. That way they can print as 
many as necessary for each class.

You'll also find the the Help file (Help->Lingo Dictionary) is the same as 
the printed version.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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