>> Because the behaviour library is mostly bloated crap?
> Well... I think that's a bit over-generalized. A lot of the behaviors, like
> rollover cursor change, rollover member change, and the like, are just
> fine. I use them all the time.
> An advanced programmer could undoubtedly write sophisticated behaviors for
> complex stuff like multiuser server--in fact, probably should.

Um, okay. I'm sure James Newton and the other authors of the behavior
libraries will appreciate your term "bloated crap". One thing to understand
about the behavior libraries is that they need to anticipate a range of
uses, by a range of authors - thus the "bloated" part. As for "crap", I
don't agree. Consider the purpose - pre-packaged behaviors that allow the
non-coding crowd to take advantage of many of Director's higher functions.
As Kerry said, an advanced programmer can certainly trim and tailor those
behaviors to suit his/her need, or just write new ones. Until you understand
the pre-packaged behaviors inside and out, however, they are not a bad place
to start.

>> Just me having a rant...
> Rant away--but I bite back sometimes :-)

Ranting is fine - I do it all of the time. And you're certainly entitled to
thinking that some code is "crap". But you might want to stick to describing
the shortcomings of said code, because there is certainly a lot of quality
in those behaviors as well. Especially for "newbies" - eventually, everyone
should "roll their own", when they have developed their own coding style and
need behaviors that mesh well with that style. But learning from people who
have been working with Director for a long time is not a bad way to go. I
think I'm a pretty good coder at this point in my career, but I doubt I'm
anywhere near James in terms of lingo knowledge.

2 cents,

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