Jon Paul Alongi wrote:
>how can i show just the filename and not the whole path in a text box....

Mark A. Boyd wrote:
> Look into using the itemDelimiter to get the last (or possibly next to
last) item in the path.

Mark is right - this is the code that I use

As this is quite a common function for me, I set this up as a function:

on GetNameFromPath thePath
   backup = the itemDelimiter

   if the platform contains "mac" then
      the itemDelimiter = ":"
      the itemDelimiter = "\"
   end if

   theItem = the last item of thePath

   the itemDelimiter = backup

   return theItem

To use this function you assign the result of the function to a variable,
such as

myFileName = GetNameFromPath(myFullPath)

Because Macs and PC use different characters to chop up file paths
("delimiters"), you will need to test for the computer platform and make the
relevant change. This is what the "if platform contains" bit is about.

Hope this helps

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