You are setting blue to average 2 times instead of setting red.


>Hello everybody!
>I wanted to change colour images to black and white. (The original images
>are 24 bit, after importing in director they are 32 bit)
>I tried this with the following steps:
>For any pixel in the image, get the color:    color = image.getPixel(x, y)
>calculating the average value of the rgb-values:  average = ( +
> + / 3
>assigning this average value to the three channels:
> = average
> = average
> = average
>setting the new color of the pixel:
>       image.setPixel(x,y,color)
>and this for each pixel.
>This method worked on another project. Now it is not working. The resulting
>image is not entirely black and white, instead it is green and white.
>When I play with the values, I can change the colors, but the main error is,
>that it is not monochrome.
>What is wrong?
>Thanks for any help!
>Michael von Aichberger
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