I'm trying to design an audio sequencer as part of my final year project-and having 
I want it to be in the format of an analog-style, 16-step sequencer (each representing 
a 16th of the bar). Each step will be assigned to one of 16 on-screen buttons, with 
each button having an on and off state.
After considering many options, the most feasible idea I've managed to come up with is 
to use a sound file which is exactly one bar in length(set to loop in the cast), with 
a cue point embeded at each of the 16th intervals along the bar. From there, buttons 
1-16 would be assigned to cue points 1-16 respectively. In their on state, they will 
set the volume of the sound channel to 255, and in their off state to 0. The 'on cue 
passed' handler will be used to ensure that this change in volume happens at the right 
moment. i.e. if button one is activated, but button two is not, then the volume will 
be set to 255 after passing cue1, and then to zero after passing cue2, and so on for 
the rest of the buttons...  In this way, the user will only hear the parts of the bar 
which are 'activated'.
To test this, I set up an experiment with only 4 cues in the sound file, using code to 
disable the sound at a specific cue point. This sort of worked but 1) the sound 
channel would sometimes respond at the point after the one I specified, and      2) I 
cannot get the sound to be enabled again after passing a second specified point.
Any ideas on how I can get this working?
Is this a feasible plan, or are there better ways to do achieve my goal?
Sorry if this is a bit long but my degree is on the line!!!
Please help!  


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