Sharon Moeller wrote

> I am using an html property on a table brought in from a web page.  This
> helps with my ability to scroll 4 columns at once, but...
> what if I need the ability to click on one of those columns and get the
> text of the mouseline?
> How do I do that?


I'm pretty  sure that the mouseLine only works with fields. Assuming that
you are setting the html of a text member, then you will need to work out
different ways of getting the table cell that was clicked.

Heres some code I've used to get the text of a cell - hopefully it might be
of some use

property mySprite, myMember, myColNum

on beginSprite me
  mySprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
  myMember = mySprite.member
  myColNum = 4 -- how many columns in the html table

on mouseUp me
  -- work out which line was clicked
  clickedLine = pointToLine(mySprite, the mouseLoc)
  -- work out which item (in the whole table)
  the itemDelimiter = TAB
  clickedItem = pointToItem(mySprite, the mouseLoc)
  -- calculate the item in the clicked line
  previousItems = (clickedLine-1)*(myColNum-1)
  LineItem = clickedItem - previousItems + (myColNum-1)
  -- get the text that was selected
  userSelection = myMember.text.line[clickedLine].item[LineItem]
  -- do something with the selected text
  -- call(#mHandleSelection, myManagerObject, userSelection)
  put userSelection



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