Don't do repeated imaging lingo operations on a member - it will be 
SLOW! For greatest ease of use: Make a list of 25 blank images first, 
using duplicate:


imageTemplate = image(800, 600, 24)
imageList = []

repeat with imageNr = 1 to 25
end repeat


Then make the imaging Lingo changes to the list items. I don't know 
how 'fast' the animation will be though - showing 800x600x24 images @ 
High frame rate is pretty heavy duty...


>Hello friends!
>Here is what I want to do:
>I want to create a full screen animation, let's say 25 different images of
>the size of the stage, created in Lingo, stored in memory and LATER played
>back out of the memory. (Playback will be fast, because the rendering  has
>been done before).
>Here is what I tried:
>I defined an image object  newImage = image(800, 600, 24).
>I created several subsequent steps by copying information in the new image
>(with copyPixels)
>I put the image object into a list: gImagesL.add(newImage).
>This didn't work, because newImage showed only the effect of the last
>executed copyPixels command.
>Then, instead of the image object, I used the stage.
>This time, several copyPixels commands had the desired effect, with
>updateStage I saw exactly the effect I wanted. So I copied the image of the
>stage in my list: gImagesL.add((the stage).image).
>What went wrong this time? I did that let's say 25 times. In the end the
>list contained 25 images of the last appearence of the stage. AHA! I
>thought: I just copied a pointer to the stage into my list.
>Then I tried a detour: Whenever a new image of the stage was finished, I
>created a cast member and put the image of the cast member into my list.
>This finally brought the desired result: 25 different animation images.
>Now the question to the specialists among you: Is there a way to get
>subsequent images of the stage into a list without creating cast members?
>Thank you for your help!
>Michael von Aichberger
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