
We've had a few people not being able to send messages.  Last year we 
disallowed multipart messages because they can contain html and/or 
attachments, and html viruses were getting through (personally I don't know 
what an html virus is, but servers and users were complaining).

Unfortunately, stylized text (custom fonts, effects, etc), even in your 
signature or on your paper, will cause them to be sent as multipart html 
messages.  This is transparent to you as the sender, but that's how it arrives.

If we let the virii get through, then servers may (some do) blacklist us 
from sending ANY messages.  Not to mention the other 3000 list members 
aren't amused.

So you must send messages as PLAIN text only.  Otherwise they don't make it 
to the list.

If someone knows a definitive way to differentiate between html styles and 
html viruses, let me know, otherwise we have to restrict everything to 
plain text only.


Tab Julius
Lingo-L list administrator

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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