I can't believe I have been so daft!

Quick run-down 'cuz I'm short for time.

I'm finally about to get rid of my long, torturous uni degree and one of the
final projects I'm doing is an interactive tutorial system for Lingo 8.
Nothing special it would seem.

What I think is quite funky is that I'm writing it so the lessons that are
displayed are fully integrated into the Director environment at AUTHOR-TIME
(although bits do operate at run-time, but it's all contained in Director,
not a final movie).

Haven't got time to go through the details of how it works. Suffice it to
say that it does. Basically you have a projector front-end that will give
you intro on the lesson. This will then automatically load in the related
.dir project file into Director. The project itself will then open a
tutorial MIAW that will walk you through the particular lesson. The MIAW and
author-time project will then interact with each other, providing updates on
when scripts have been attached and where they are, or whatever that
tutorial is working with at the time.

Now, I'm currently writing the first draft of the design report that has to
go along with it and I need to assess the "vailidty of my chosen brief".
After doing a lot of research on tutorials and similar stuff to my idea,
guess who I forgot to ask the opinion of? That's right...you lovely people.

As you all seem to be industry professionals of one sort or another, I would
like to impose upon you two questions:

1.) Have you heard/seen any other stuff out there that uses this approach?
2.) What do you think of the idea?

Feedback would be MUCHLY appreciated, especially those of you in e-Learning

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