Dear List

 i m using datagrip  plugin to connect director with access

I can comfortably open, add data and retrieve data from the backend which is

How do i copy  complete set of contents from a specific field into my dropdown
list in director.

I tried using DGRSFillList, DGRSFillString  but none of these work .....for ex

--The following line returns my set of records from a specific field . I want
all the record values one by one for a specific field
set Areahandle = DGCreateRecordset("select Area from chemtab", dbhandle)

--now to put that in a variable

vlist = DGRSFillList("Area", Areahandle)
--area is the name of the field in the database
--were vlist will now contain the complete list of contents which can be
transfered to a dropdown

The error which i get is ..."Handler not defined"
Please give me a solution fo this. What can i do with my jet engine.

Thanks in advance
Computer Canvas

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