Irv Kalb wrote:
> You may have a corrupt cast member.  I have no idea how this happens.
> But since you say that this is a parent script, it doesn't matter
> where in the cast it exists.  Try copying the text out of the member
> and pasting it into a new member, then delete the original script
> member (be sure to mark it as a parent script and give it the correct
> name).

Some of this may be superstition, but the best cleansing of a script I
know how to get without actually typing it over is to:

Copy the text of the script member
paste it into simpletext/wordpad
save and close simpletext/wordpad
delete the member
save and close 

reverse the process

617.262.8830 x246    

I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be
stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

           - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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