>From: "george.gemenetzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: <lingo-l> Problem when try to import *.pic file as cast member.
>Date: Fri, Apr 20, 2001, 10:27 PM

>I am trying to import  an image file with the extention .pic
>in my cast window for a product i am building.
>Director 8 comes up with an error 85 error message.
>Does anyone has any idea why i cannot import these files.
>This file was propably created with a Mac.
>I cannot open it with photoshop5.5 or 6.0 I can open it thow with with 
>QuickTime picture viewer but i cannot edit it that way.
>Does anyone knows the solution to my problem.

Export the image in whatever format you want, .tiff, .psd, etc, right
from QuickTime Picture Viewer. You may need QT Pro ($29 reg fee on the
Apple web site) to do this - I can't remember off hand if you do.  

Steve Bennett

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