Carl West wrote:
> I have a QT movie as a sprite whose movietime is used to control the
> locations of scrollbar knobs and the scrolltop of a transcript of the movie.
> It runs fine for a while, but after intense manipulation of the
> movietime (back and forth, jumping around) I get the error:
> Property not found: #movietime
> and the movie hangs.
> As a projector it often fails a force-quit, forcing a re-boot. It's
> worst as a projector on a CD, less frequent as a projector on the HD,
> and sometimes it'll do it in authoring.
> D7.0.2
> Mac
> QT 4.x
> I'm looking for clues to diagnose this thing.

Found it.
The projector needed more RAM.


617.262.8830 x246    

I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be
stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

           - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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