I'm assuming that you want a scrolling area that includes both text and images.

I recently did a little scrolling text field with images inside it for the
purposes of putting Macromedia's logo in the scrolling credits.

I wrote a behavior to reposition the graphics based on the position of the
scrolling text. (see below) You need to specify the sprite number of the
scrolling text sprite and the offset withint that text for the graphic to
appear. It isn't the most efficient because it tries to reposition the
graphics on every frame loop. You could instead send events to the behavior
to indicate that the scrolling button had been pressing (I have a separate
set of behaviors that implement custom scroll bars).

You need to use a "mask" sprite at the top and bottom of the scrolling text
to cover over the bitmap if it scrolls outside the text area.

There are also many other ways to do it, such as using a MIAW or an Xtra
like the Web Xtra.

How that helps.

>Well, we need to make a window with text and images integrates like a issue
>Somebody knew some like this?

-- Scrolling Graphic Behavior.
-- Copyright Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions. 2001
property pScrollTextSpr, pLineOffset, pLineHeight
property pScrollTextMem, pSpr

on beginSprite me
  pSpr = sprite(me.spriteNum)
  pScrollTextSpr = sprite(pScrollTextSpr)
  pScrollTextMem = pScrollTextSpr.member
  pLineHeight = charPosToLoc(pScrollTextMem, 1).locV + 1
end beginSprite

on scrollMe me
  thisLine = (pLineOffset - pScrollTextMem.scrollTop) / pLineHeight
  partialLine = (pLineOffset - pScrollTextMem.scrollTop) mod pLineHeight

  if thisLine < 0 then
    thisLine = abs(thisLine)
    sign = -1
    sign = + 1
  end if

  pSpr.locV = pScrollTextSpr.top + (linePosToLocV(pScrollTextMem, thisLine)
+ partialLine) * sign
end scrollMe

on exitFrame me
  scrollMe me
end exitFrame

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  return [#pScrollTextSpr: [#format: #integer, #default: 1, #comment: "Text
Sprite"], \
          #pLineOffset:    [#format: #integer, #default: 1, #comment: "Line
end getPropertyDescriptionList

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Nutshell? Check out "ActionScript: The Definitive Guide" from O'Reilly.
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