
long discussion by now...

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 10:43:18 -0400 "Kafka's Daytime" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks...
> I'm also a huge Lingo/Director fan and am not elated about the idea of
> eventually having to go to Flash/ActionScript. I do have
> some other tools in my kit so with some luck I'll never be
> out of a job.

the good thing is that the better you know one language the more you can talk another, 
if you know what i mean. javascript, lingo and actionscripting while not the same are 
similar enough for someoen who knwos one to pick up tthe other two in a very short 
time. and doing director work nowadays - i find anyways - means to talk to the flash 
and javascript guys constantly anyways (with all the embedded shockwave and flash etc)

> As my drill sergeant used to say..."SON...DISPLAY SOME ADAPTABILITY!!" :-)
> Josie

well said!
> ...whereas i'm from Toronto, Canada, and i have noticed a sharp downward
> trend in jobs that demand knowledge of Director and Lingo. at the same
> time, there is a steady rise in the number of people who are interested in
> such a career. i teach at a local design and technology college, partly
> because it's good experience, partly because it lets me use cutting edge
> technology, but mostly because i can't find studio work.

i have worked for sae technolgy college london for quite some time as head of the 
multimedia department so i can relate very much to what you are saying about students, 
and/but a lot of the colleges do miss the point slightly as they try to satisfy the 
need for students to learn a new piece of software without sufficiently making them 
aware that it may not be the 'right 'one fro all applications. the students are then 
too focused/polarised for their one good....

> as i mentioned at the beginning of this email:  yes. in fact, one of my
> fellow teachers keeps going on and on about how CD-ROMs (as a software
> platform) are *dead*, and how so many companies in Toronto haven't done a
> CD-ROM in years, and how it will be another 5 years at most before CD-ROMs
> (and DVD-ROMs) disappear completely, and the whole world turns into one
> great, giant spiderWeb.

i don't think so actually. cd-roms may be succeeded by dvd-roms evenually (maybe not 
so far in the future, - but maybe i am too old to make qwuick rpedictions for this 
industry..?). one thing i do feel very strongly is that most clients/companies who 
have a cd-rom done in director hugely 'underuse' directors capabilities. (why only 
churn out a beefed up slide-show or put your web site onto a cd-rom if you have all 
the power of director at your disposal? -or is it that there are in fact too few 
people around who can use director properly and efficiently, and the ones who end up 
doing the cds would make a really good cd a long and expensive ventuer (by basically 
having to learn on the job [not that we all do that anyway..]).

> i haven't tried Director 8.5, because i'm wondering if it's worth it at
> all. <shrug> my thoughts are that i should skip it altogether and change my
> allegiance to Flash (which, by the way, i do NOT want to do). 

i think that the two things that will keep director afloat and going in the future are:
******** the 3d thing and shockwave on one hand. director seems to be the only decent 
authoring tool for 3d on the web at the moment(is there any other comparable one?) and 
******** authrign for dvds. because of my past as an audio engineer i am naturally 
interested in any audio disk techhnolgy and thereforem currently looking into 
dvd-audio as well as -video) and it seems that with all the back catalogue the content 
providers have of music and film, there is a huge amount director could and should 
snap up!!!!! this may not be the most interesting work, but then again live is what 
you make it!
> honestly, though, unless someone can refute the "five-year death" of
> CD-ROMs, i'm seriously considering leaving this field. 

hey - stick with it!

maybe i should go
> back to IT... there's *tonnes* of IT work in Toronto these days. :P
> cheers,
>                               parker

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