I'm having a very unusual problem with DirectMediaXtra.  I'm setting up a 
cross-platform CD that links external casts depending on whether the client 
has a mac or pc.  The pc links a cast with 3 DirectMediaXtras that are 
further linked to their avi counterparts all in the same directory.  The 
movie that plays this media is being pulled up in an MIAW as a child of the 
main movie.
    When the child movie is called and is navigated to this video section to 
play one of the AVIs, it plays fine -- until that initial AVI is finished or 
interrupted by anything.  Then the MIAW crashes and disappears immediately.
    Of course I've made sure my stub projector contains all the Xtras and 
even tried putting them in a folder as well.  I did include the (stub 
projector name).ini and the Lingo.ini as well as turning on "animate in 
background."  So I'm fairly sure these aren't the problem.

    I've already done a lot of trial and error with these notables...
        If this child movie is created as a projector by itself, it _does_ 
work just fine.
        Also, it doesn't seem to matter what of the three movies are chosen 
to play first, they all crash the MIAW just the same when interrupted or 

Has anyone heard of this issue or know how to solve it?  I would really 
appreciate the help!

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