This in connection with my previous post about sound cracking.

I've isolated the bug to DIRAPI.dll If I supplant DIRAPI.dll (b 198) with
DIRAPI.DLL from D8.5 (b 321), the sound stops cracking.

The problem is that a D8.5 DIRAPI, does not work perfectly together with a
D8 IML32 (b 200), and a D8.5 IML32 does not work without a D8.5 Proj.dll,
which inturn won't work wit D8 files.... S**T!!!

So now I'm asking: Is there / does anyone have more recent versions of the
following files:
DIRAPI.dll (more recent than build 198)
IML32.dll (more recent than build 200)

Director 8.5 libraries wont do.

Please respond ASAP.


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