Sorry for continuing this thread but I don't want to be crucify here.

Buzz Kettles wrote:

> I think the point was that:
>   you didn't even look into the Help System.

And this is NOT true. It didn't mean that I spend hours working with
Help. I spent something like 2 minutes. But it rather means that the
Help is not well designed.
The true is I didn't look for "exit" word. Sorry.
Believe it or not but I'm not a native english man. Sorry.

"Watson, Christopher" wrote:

> And honestly, I can't fathom some people's sense of humor, or lack thereof.
> If I had received such a reply, I would have been LOL.

Watson, you have a very specific sense of humour. And if you are usign
e-mail for
some time you should know that kidding via e-mail is not a good idea and
very often
you can offend someone. I suggest you to be more carefull.


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