For those interested in the answer I got


> > Interesting alternatives...
> >
> > Why don't you test it?
> >
> > Attach the following behhavior to a sprite spanning only frame 3:
> >
> > property MyCounter
> >
> > on beginsprite me
> >   MyCounter = myCounter + 1
> >   put Mycounter
> > end
> >
> > Then have another script in frame 1, sending the playback head
> > back to frame one.
> >
> > Start the movie...
> >
> > If your message window output is
> > -- 1
> > -- 1
> > -- 1
>then the right answer is option a#
>If the output goes
>-- 1
>-- 2
>-- 3
>-- etc.
>,then it's option #b
>Why do I go through all this trouble, without even telling you the answer?
>Aither I'm just a nasty SOB, or then, I believe in the way of teaching,
>which does not give people the answers, but instead gives people the way to
>get the answers themselves...

Sr. Enrique
Libros, Multimedia y Software en Castellano

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