I am sure that other share this opinion, but I think it is too bad 
that one has to buy 2 copies of director to create cross-platform 
apps, especially since you would do most of your developing on one 
platform, and the stub is the only part that you have to make on both 

I wondered, though, if a way around having to buy 2 copies of 
Director might be to hire one of my lingo friends on the ML to create 
the mac projector should I need it, that way, the developing is done 
on my legal version, and the projector is created, and paid for, by 
another professional.  I can see why MM wouldn't want stubs being 
downloaded by just anyone, but, to me anyway, it seems like a lot of 
money just to make a stub projector...

There might be holes in this theory, but it seems viable to me...

My 2 cents... can I have the change?


>>So if anyone can help us get back on our feet, or if there is a web site
>>that has stubs for downloading. could you please let me know.
>Man, Andrew, that's a drag when you get stiffed by a client.
>This is a tough one for us, too. Macromedia says that you have to 
>own the Mac version to publish on the Mac. It makes sense, because 
>the stub contains all the Macromedia runtime code.
>I really feel for you, and I wish I could help out, but what you're 
>asking for would be a violation of our licenses. It's kind of 
>ironic, because Macromind used to give away the player, and stubs 
>used to be available on sites like updatestage. I hear that 
>Macromedia asked Gretchen to remove the stubs, though.
>Best wishes to you, mate, but I'm afraid the only legal way you can 
>get a stub is to buy the Mac version.
>Kerry Thompson
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