>From: "George Carlile" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: <lingo-l> StreamingMedia or MpegXtra?
>Date: Wed, Jul 11, 2001, 12:04 PM

>I have tried using shockwave (in D8), but I am obviously using the wrong
>lingo to make it work. I tried if mediaReady, but that presumes that the
>.mov file is already in a specific folder on the viewers hard drive or am I
>doing that wrong as well?

Maybe the data rate of your video is too high to 'stream' over your web
connection (I'm assuming you mean an HTTP "fast start" progressive
download rather than RTSP streaming). If it is (and if you're on a
modem, anything much above 4 Kbytes/sec overall is too high) then the
video will download for quite some time before playing. You may have to
also start the video explicitly with Lingo in a frame script
(sprite(#).movieRate = 1), but that will only work if enough of the
video has downloaded (in relation to its overall data rate) to begin
playing. You can't start playing video frames that aren't there yet, and
you can't reliably control them with Lingo if they aren't there yet
either. One thing to try is to make a short (1-2 seconds) Flash movie,
exported as a QuickTime movie, that is just black frames at the
dimensions of your video. Paste this onto the start of your video and
save it that way. When you start this video in a Shockwave movie, the
low data rate Flash section will load very fast, along with enough data
about the movie to allow you to target things like movieRate, movieTime,
and duration with Lingo. After that, its all up to the match between
your overall data rate and the speed of your connection.

If you're testing on a low speed connection, going with MPEG-1 isn't
going to help at all, as you'll never get data rates low enough with
MPEG-1 to 'stream' over a modem connection.

Steve Bennett


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