I'm doing some HTML conversion and trying to convert all the quote symbol in
HTML into " & quote & ". 

For example: I'd want to change the following line
<body background="images/bkg.jpg" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0"


"<body background=" & quote & "images/pic_young_bg.jpg" & quote & "topmargin="
& quote & "0" & quote & " leftmargin=" & quote & "0" & quote & " marginwidth="
& quote & "0" & quote & " marginheight=" & quote & "0" & quote & ">

by a handler.

I have a handler below:

on convertQuote aField
  aString = the text of field aField
  temp = aString.char.count
  if char 1 of field aField <> quote then
    theString = char 1 of field aField
    theString = " & quote & "
  end if
  repeat with i = 2 to temp
    if char i of field aField = quote then
      theString = theString & " & quote & "
      theString = theString & char i of field aField
    end if
  end repeat
  put theString

It would conver the example line into:
<body background= & quote & images/pic_young_bg.jpg & quote &  topmargin= &
quote & 0 & quote &  leftmargin= & quote & 0 & quote &  marginwidth= & quote &
0 & quote &  marginheight= & quote & 0 & quote & >

It won't add QUOTE symbol into the text. I can copy the result to a field do a
find and replace but would prefer an automatic way.

Is there a way to achieve what I need?


Changhsu Liu

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