Let me just say some things out of My experience:
- QuickTime Is Great
- Sorenson is terriffic
- Director Rocks

Together though, they sadly enough, cock up badly. Don't ask me why, don't
ask me how, but I know they do. Either the QT asset xtras have a huge memory
leak, or then they just seem to have it, anyway, play one sorenson clip in
one movie, then play another and do watch your memory inspector Skyrocket to
an impossible 4 GB of needed memory. Well, naturally there's something wrong
with that combination, and I have noticed on a heap of projects, that
Something gets screwed (note! sometimes this may infact be the source of
seemingly unrelated problems (frequent crashes etc.)), if you a# have more
than 1 clip on the stage at any given time b# play many consequtive
QT-sorenson-clips within one movie (not always avoidable) c# have more than
1 sorenson-quickTime clip in your cast.

There are some workarounds, which (not all are simple) enable you avoid the
problem almost fully.

Avoiding point a# is not possible, except by redesigning the program.

Avoiding point b# is possible by making a "light movie" for showing the
videoclips and always quickly exiting the movie and re-entering it.

Avoiding point c# is fairly easy, you have one single QT-member, preferrably
in your internal cast, which you Create on the fly and then set it's
member.filename property.


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of debi
> Sent: 28. heinäkuuta 2001 3:10
> Subject: Re: <lingo-l> order of handlers execution
> I need help!
> I have a massive project that seems to be loosing its links to externally
> linked QuickTime movies.
> One minute they are there in the cast...  I can click and open
> them...  play
> them...  run the director file and all is well.
> Another time I can double-click the thumbnail image of the same
> cast member
> and all I get is a gray box with a control strip.  And in that case
> naturally the file will not play in the director movie.  The file seems to
> be no longer linked to the cast.  I can re-link the cast member
> and it will
> play, but I am not guaranteed that it will save that way and play when the
> project is opened another day.
> I have talked extensively with technical support at Macromedia.
> It doesn't
> help to know that "I am the only person that has reported this problem."
> The only suggestion I have from them is that this might possibly
> be an issue
> with Media Cleaner and the way it processes QuickTime files.
> I processed over 300 video clips that seemed to work fine during
> the initial
> testing.  And most continue to work now.  But there are those that will
> loose the link in the cast.  At least when I double-click the thumbnail I
> get nothing.
> They were processed through Media Cleaner version 4.0.3  using the
> professional version of Sorenson version 2.   To create QuickTime movies
> included in a Director 8.0 project on Windows 98 and Windows NT computers.
> The problem has appeared in edit mode and as a projector.  It is
> sporadic..
> I cannot predict which movies will play and which will not.  Today, ones
> that were great for months failed to open.
> I have had the problem on various windows machines and with different
> projects.  So it seems to be more on the side of director having trouble
> with reading the file as opposed to an operating or system problem.
> Like I said, one minute the file is linked, the next it is not, or may not
> be.  And sometimes if I close director and start over all is well...
> sometimes not.
> But one thing is for sure, it is Director 8.0.  QuickTime 4.1.2,
> QuickTime
> files compressed with Sorenson 2, with an average of 80kps.
> If any of you can shed some light, please let me know.
> Debi
> (I really do miss mTropolis)
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