I am on a 3.1 zVM

Oliver Paukstadt wrote:

> On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, William Raffloer wrote:
> > I am perplexed, We have the blue64 running on our zSersies zVM system
> >
> > My colleague say this was working.
> >
> > But (and there is always a 'but'), when I try to login as root I get the
> > following error and it kicks me back to login (if it is a bonehead thing
> > like the wrong password could somen tell me what the defaul is, I must
> > be entering the wrong one).
> If you are using z/VM 4.2 you need a pfault arpa to fix z/VM pfault
> handling which is broken.
> The other possibility is to add "nopfault" in your zipl parameter line
> till your next maintenance.
> Greetings
> Oliver Paukstadt
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