
I had similar problems going from RH6.2 to 7.2.  I also have the same
configuration you are using (ESCON CTC, Linux LPAR, and z/OS 1.2 on the
other end).  In RH6.2 I would define escon0=, but had no success with
that in 7.2.  Here is what I did get to work (with a lot of help from
Mark and the list) on my parmline:

chandev=ctc0,0x2020,0x2021,0,3  CHANDEV=ctc0,0x2020,0x2021,0,3

Yes, you pass the chandev parm in both upper and lower case.

Once up you can ifconfig ctc0 and should be able to connect.

One note: although an ESCON channel should handle an MTU of 65527 (what
I used in 6.2), I seem to find the limit on the ctc0 is 32760.

Best regards and good luck.

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