                    I'm very inexperienced with S/390 Linux but have
downloaded a SuSE version and brought it up in an LPAR.   I have the
impression (true?) that more sites, even in the US, use SuSE for S/390 than
Redhat, and I know I went to an IBM free class last month about Linux/390
applications and they used SuSE in class.  However, Redhat has a big appeal
to management probably because it might be a cross-platform choice and we
are most definitely not bought in to either distribution yet.
       Redhat is giving a presentation here Wednesday which will include
info on "IBM-Red Hat and Z series partnership".
       So - if any of you have suggestions, I would welcome them both about
advantages/disadvantages of Redhat vs SuSE and as to questions of any nature
that I should ask the presenters.  I do not know whether they will bring
along a techie so I can get really good answers or not.
a) My management is very concerned about security so any related
questions/comparisons would be very salient;
b) Of course which vendors adapt packages to most often/quickest and which I
can get most help from from this list is important (I noticed post about DB2
latest version just certified on SuSE today);
c) I recall reading while doing a search awhile back that at the time of a
post I read (maybe a year back), Redhat wasn't distributing the OSA OCO
driver modules but you had to put that together with what they had and was
difficult.  Still true?

Any help/info/comments much appreciated,
of Veterans Affairs

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