Patrice Kadionik writes:
> Hi all,
> I'm newbie with elks since few weeks.
> When I compile elkscmd to make the root FS, I have errors on fdisk.c compiling.
> It does'nt find linuxmt/ directory and all .h included. What's the matter ?
> There is a variable linux tested by #ifdef in order to choose between 2 types of
> header files. What is its role ? How can I fix the pb ?
> What does really do the make comb ?
> Thank's for your help...

The problem is because the kernel headers have not been identified by the
dev86 installation. Make sure you have the elks kernel installed. For the
rest of this messate I will assume you have it installed in /usr/src/elks.

Change to /usr/bcc/include (or /usr/local/bcc/include if it is installed
there, and do the following.

# rm -rf linuxmt arch
# ln -sf /usr/src/elks/include/linuxmnt .
# ln -sf /usr/src/elks/include/arch .

This will link the kernel headers in and make your build work.

make comb, which only works as root, will build an image file called comb
which is a 720K disk image which includes a bootable kernel. This can
be written to a floppy, or used as a floppy image for various PC emulators.
It is primarily there to make it easy for me to build the release
distribution, and for others to be able to duplicate what I did.


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