On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Chris Mason <chris.ma...@oracle.com> wrote:
> COW semantics require touching btree nodes all the way up to the root of
> the btree, but this is different from the directory.  Directories are
> stored in the btree, but you won't have to touch more than 8 or so btree
> levels regardless of how deep your directory tree is.
> -chris

Thanks for straightening me out on that point.

Still, 8 might be a lot.

Regardless of the decoupling of btrees and directories, am I right in
thinking that mounted subvolumes instead of directories would (1)
reduce contention (2) reduce the number of levels touched since number
of levels is a function of the number of fs entities in the volume,
therefore (3) defining a file system entity that transparently becomes
a mounted subvolume (by transparently I mean without an additional
mount command) and (4) crafting a utility to streamline
creation-and-implied-mounting of the entity type from #3 would make
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