Hi Goffredo,

Great work! It is indeed much easier to work with one tool instead with the 
many of them!

> Usage:
>         btrfs snapshot|-s <source> [<dest>/]<name>
>                 Create a writeble snapshot of the subvolume
>                 <source> with the name <name> in the <dest>
>                 directory.
>         btrfs delete|-D <subvolume>
>                 Delete the subvolume <subvolume>.

I backup up Mike on the opinion that the short options aren't what I would 
expect. Personally I'd prefer a command line syntax like git, "<command> 
<action> [sub-action> <options>|<arguments] ...".

-> deletion of a subvolume : $ btrfs subvolume delete <subvolume>
-> creation of a snapshot : $ btrfs snapshot create <source [<dest>/] <name>
Or maybe no <subaction> but actions like "subvolume-delete" and a shortcut like 
"svd", and "snapshot-delete" with a shortcut like "ssd" or "ss-del"

I think that your current syntax is not that intuitive because it's not clear 
without reading the man page what - for example - '$ btrfs create' does. One 
could think that it creates a btrfs-formated device, or it creates a subvolume 
or a snapshot. The same with delete, I guess you get my idea :)
I'm aware that the syntax you've chosen is based on how the zfs command is 
working. And that's of course a strong argument for the syntax you've chosen :)

The git approach would IMHO by a good one, maybe even let the user allow a 
.btrfsconfig or .btrfsrc file in which users can define alias (shortcuts). The 
benefit of a git-like syntax is the extensibility : whatever functionality gets 
added to btrfs it will never interfer/confuse with the existing ones. The 
downside (w/o alias) is rather long command lines (which I don't mind because I 
find it harder to remember all the shortcuts).

Thanks for your work and have a good day,
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