On Wednesday 28 July 2010, Ken D'Ambrosio said:

> Hello, all.  I'm thinking of rolling out a BackupPC server, and --
> based on the strength of the recent Phoronix benchmarks
> (http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=11156&Itemid=23)
> -- had been strongly considering btrfs.  But I do seem to recall
> that there was some sort of hardlinks-per-directory limitation, and
> BackupPC *loves* hardlinks.  Would someone care to either remind me
> what the issue was, or reassure me that it's been rectified?

btrfs has a limit on the number of hardlinks that can exist in the
same directory.  I don't believe that BackupPC will create any more
hardlinks in a given directory than are already in the filesystem you
are backing up.  It uses hardlinks between directories for files that
haven't changed.

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