On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 14:52, Chris Ball <c...@laptop.org> wrote:
> Hi,
>   > Or make --sync the default behavior.  This is probably what most
>   > people are expecting anyway (similar to how standard filesystem
>   > commands like "rm" work).  Add an --aysnc option for those that
>   > only care about knowing when the subvolume is taken out of the
>   > tree.
> Yeah.  We've also talked about making snapshot _creation_ perform an
> FS sync first by default, since otherwise you get a snapshot with stale
> files, or without files that existed (not yet on disk) at creation-time.

Oh wow, I didn't know this.  Yes, sync-before-create would be nice.

*runs off to update his snapshot script*

-- Josh
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